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5 documents contain your search term:
Lecture by Terence McKenna
1 occurrence
... new model of the world. And all this talk that has gone on throughout the twentieth century, beginning with the Golden Dawn and Madam Blavatsky and that crowd, and coming up through the psychedelicos and the new ageists and the Gurdjieffians and all that, all this stuff about spirituality is not going to get off the mark until you have a technology of spirituality. Well, a technology ...
Lecture by Terence McKenna
1 occurrence
... ago? Did it come from somewhere else? And if so, where? Because it's never been located anywhere else on the planet. So this is a great puzzlement. And I think if we move fast enough—we psychedelicos, we pagans, we neuronauts, we magicians—if we move fast enough, this will just be moot. And this is a far more powerful thing than cannabis. I mean, not if you've never smoked cannabis ...
Workshop by Terence McKenna
1 occurrence
... saying that poetry is made at the edge of running water. I think Robert Graves discusses this in The White Goddess—which, if you've never read The White Goddess, that's basic reading for psychedelicos. And so he talks about this Celtic saying: poetry is made at the edge of running water. Well then, I was in the Amazon, and I was quite saturated with psychoactive tryptamines, and there ...
Workshop by Terence McKenna
1 occurrence
... some sort, right? So those of you who haven't had this experience—see, the thing to put across is: there's so much loose-headedness in the world. And this is really a stumbling block for psychedelicos. Because we have people claiming to channel 11,000-year-old central Asian herders who have a message for mankind, and we have people who are in contact with all kinds of entities with ...
Workshop by Terence McKenna
1 occurrence
... the visions of extraordinarily primitive people in apartments in the twentieth century? Hell, who knows! The twentieth century is clearly a pivotal historical era, and we like to think—we psychedelicos—that we're agents of political change. Well, is this a plot being run from the fifty-sixth millennium to try and avert a thermonuclear exchange in the late twentieth century? You know, I ...